Per tutti gli interessati, anche quest’anno si svolgerà
l’evento di divulgazione accademica MeetMeTonight2020
che avverrà in modalità “a distanza” nelle giornate di venerdì 27 e sabato 28 Novembre. Di seguito il link degli eventi di Milano
Three weeks ago we started our work on Teachers&Students’ Agreement: a document where we wrote the most important rules for teachers and students.
We carried out a flyer with a slogan, made by two groups: the Writers and the Graphic Designers.
This experience was lots of fun and the work was more interesting than our regular lessons because it was creative and original. The communication was sometimes difficult but we made phone calls and did our parts.
We started this work a couple of weeks ago, when our teachers gave us this task we thought that it was cool, interesting, creative but a bit complicated😓.
We worked in groups: writers and graphic designers; not only at school but also online.
We loved💗 this activity and we think it’s a good idea to post it on our school’s blog!🤩🤩🤩
We started this work some weeks ago. Our mission was “Teachers & Students Agreement” and we had to use the modal verbs that we studied. For us the work was interesting, new and we were happy with it but also we were a little bit scared about it because it was
the first time we did a task like that.
We worked in two groups: graphic designers and writers, we worked both at school and at home and in person and online.
It’s a very good cooperativework and we should do this kind of work more often.
Check it out, have fun and see what we did together!
Studenti, genitori e docenti dell'IC Manzoni si incontrano sul web
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